
  • 1824 – 1851 The reign of King Rama III

1828– 1831

  • Gutslav from Netherlands Mission Society came to Bangkok

1828– 1832

  • Reverend Tomlin from London Mission Society came to Bangkok


  • Reverend David Abeele from American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) came for Bangkok survey and set up ABCFM in Bangkok.


  • Reverend Taylor Jones - American Baptist (from Myanmar) arrived in Bangkok and started working.


  • A Treaty between the United States of America and Siam was signed.


  • On the 24th July, Reverend William P. Buel of ABCFM arrived in Bangkok.


  • Doctor Bradley came in the ABCFM, arrived Bangkok on the 18th of July. It took him 1 year and 13 days traveling. He arrived with the printing machine. Having set up a medical hall at Wat Koh, he was told to move within 5 days. So, he moved to a Catholic village at Kudee Jeen.


  • Robinson lived with a Portuguese family.


  • Johnson lived in the raft-house in front of Santa Cruz Church


  • Printing industry was started in Siam by Doctor Bradley.


  • The Baptist Group started to use printing.


  • Mrs. Bradley taught girls at her house.


  • 13th January, Doctor Bradley performed the first operation in Siam by amputating a monk’s arm at Wat Prayoon


  • The Baptist Group had started a church. Now it is Mai Tree Jit Church, which is the first Church in Siam.


  • Phraya Phra Klung built two houses on the other side of the canal in front of Wat Prayoon. He let them to Doctor Bradley, who lived there for 14 years. The rent was 65 baht per month.


  • King Rama III placed an order to Dr. Bradley for 9,000 leaflets announcing a prohibition of opium smoking. That was the first government’s document printed from the printing house.


  • King Rama III gave 400 baht reward to Doctor Bradley for teaching royal doctors to do smallpox vaccination. The royal doctors received 200 baht each.


  • Reverend Jessie Caswell (ABCFM) arrived. Later, he became an English teacher for the Prince.


  • Doctor Bradley was successful to produce vaccine for smallpox for the first time in Siam.


  • Presbyterian mission in Thailand began.


  • The motor vessel arrived Siam for the first time.


  • Dr. Caswell gave English lessons to Prince Mongkut and colleagues at Wat Bovorn


  • ABCFM moved to China


  • Reverend Stephen Mattoon and his wife, also Doctor Samuel R. House of American Presbyterian arrived.


  • Dr. Caswell passed away. Prince Mongkut came to the funeral and gave a roll of white silk cloth to his wife.


  • There was a wide spread of cholera epidemic.


  • ABCFM permanently closed the office in Siam.


  • First Presbyterian Church was set up (among foreigners)


  • AMA began to work in Siam.


  • Baptist’s Office was on fire.


  • On the 3rd of April, King Rama III passed away.
  • 1851– 1868The reign of King Mongkut


  • In July, His Majesty gave the land behind Wat Arun for Presbyterian Group to use in building office and residence.


  • King Mongkut commissioned women missionary to teach court ladies. His Majesty invited 3 American ladies, who were Mrs. Mattoon, Mrs. Jones and (later) Mrs. House to teach court ladies.


  • John Taylor Jones passed away.


  • King Mongkut gave a piece of land behind Fort Vichaiprasit to AMA Mission (Dr. Bradley).


  • On the 13th of September Dr. Mattoon opened the first boy school in Mon’s village. This is considered as the birth date of Bangkok Christian College.


  • On the 30th September, Dr. House opened a boarding school for Chinese boys next to Wat Arun. He let Mr. Ghee-eng Guaysian look after the school. There were 27 pupils.


  • In December, after four months of operation, Dr. Mattoon merged his school with that of Dr. House.


  • King Mongkut allowed Dr. Bradley to use a piece of land, size 7,288 sq.m., at the corner of Bangluang Canal behind Fort Vichaiprasit, to build 3 houses.


  • On the 29th of July, King Mongkut gave a plot of land on New Road to be used as Protestant Cemetery. Before that, when foreigners died a permission had to be applied to be buried in the cemetery north of Portuguese Consulate. His Majesty sent 1,000 dollars with Dr. Mattoon, to Mrs. แควแลวว์ in the US. He also sent 500 dollars with Dr. House to Mrs. Casswell. He erected a statue on Casswell’s grave.


  • Dr. House married Harriet M. Pettit


  • Dr. and Mrs. House returned to Siam.


  • Dr. Mattoon was the first American Consul


  • Dr. House’s school had more pupils. So, it was moved to Samray in November, using the place bought by Dr. Mattoon on behalf of Presbyterian Mission.


  • Reverend McGilvary and Reverend Wilson including his wife arrived in Siam. Both reverends had been roommates in Princeton University dormitory. They were inspired by Dr. House.


  • Samray Boy School admitted one girl.


  • On the 3rd of August, Mr. Chuen was the first Thai who was baptized, after 31 years of work in Thailand. By that time, there had been 12 missionaries buried in the cemetery (not including children). Later, Mr. Chuen became the principal of Samray Boy School after Mr. Ghee Eng Guay Sian had passed away.


  • Samray Boy School changed from teaching in Chinese to teaching in Thai because Mr. Ghee Eng passed away. The new principal was a Thai.


  • Dr. Samuel G. McFarland arrived in Bangkok.


  • King Mongkut visited Petchburi 4 times. He built a palace and temple. Senior officers asked missionary to go to Petchburi to teach.


  • Daniel McGilvary (who had just married Dr. Bradley’s daughter) and Mr. & Mrs. McFarland made a trip to start working in Petchburi.


  • Petchburi Mission Centre was opened.


  • The King gave permission to open a Mission Centre in Chiangmai.


  • American Baptist in Siam ceased operation.
  • 1868– 1910 The reign of King Chulalongkorn


  • The land at Wanglang was bought. Reverend S. C. George was in charge of the construction. But the work was not completed due to budget had run out. He had to return to the US for health reason. Mrs. Harriet House solicited another 3,000 US. Dollars to finish off the construction.


  • The Regent had announced freedom of religious creed.


  • On the 13th of May, Mrs. House began the operation of Wanglang School. This is considered the birth date of Wattana Wittaya Academy.


  • There were 15 pupils at Wanglang School. Miss Arabella Anderson was the first teacher in Wanglang School. Since Mrs. House was well-known among courtiers, Phraya Surasakmontri (Saeng, who was the ancestor of Saeng-Xuto family) sent 4 of his daughters to Wangalang School. Their ID numbers were 14, 15, 16 and 17. Their names were Yuen, Lek, Zin and Loy.


  • Miss Anderson married Rev. H.B. Noyes, D.D. who was a doctor from China.


  • Miss S. D. Grimstead came to teach at Wanglang. There were 20 pupils.


  • Mrs. House’s health deteriorated. Doctor and Mrs. House had to return the the USA after 30 years work in Siam. They took Mr. Korn Amatyakul and Mr. Boontuan Boon Itt to the USA with them, for education purpose.


  • Miss Jennie Koresen came to teach at Wanglang. Miss Jennie married Rev. James McCauley D.D.


  • His Majesty King Chulalongkorn had decreed about freedom of religious creed.


  • Miss Belle Caldwel became the Principal of Wanglang School. There were 29 pupils. The school had expense of US$490 and income of US$40.00. Miss Caldwel married Rev. J. Culberton.


  • The second church was set up at Wanglang School.


  • In the Bangkok Centennial Celebration in April, Wanglang School participated in Thai children education exhibition and the school pupils’ handicrafts were on show in Somdej Phra Panvassa’s stall (She was the royal Grandmother of King Bhumiphol).


  • Miss Mary E. Hartwell and Miss Auara A. Olmstead managed the school during the time that there was no teacher from the Mission.


  • Mrs. Tuan, Mr. Boontuan Boon-Itt’s mother was both housekeeper and teacher, looking after Wanglang School.


  • Mrs. Tuan resigned. Pupils loved and respected her very much. So, the older pupils also resigned.


  • Miss Cole asked teacher Yuan Tiang Yok and his wife to come and help at Wanglang School. Miss Marry S. Handerson become Miss Cole’s assistant.


  • There was a full improvement of classroom and education equipment because school fee of 5 baht per month were collected. On the first term, there were only 16 pupils left. Miss Soi was an assistant teacher to Miss Olmstead


  • Miss Van Emmon became Wanglang School Principal. Later, she married Reverend Christian Berger


  • Miss Soi married Mr. Boonyee Boon-Itt and moved to Chiangmai.


  • Miss Tim graduated and became a teacher. Miss Suwan, Miss Chaem, Miss Ploy and Miss Tao also became teachers at Wanglang School.


  • Prince Naradhip sponsored the school.


  • Prince Naradhip was the first royal family member who was so pleased with the school that he sent his eldest daughter – Princess Banbimol to study in the same class as ordinary people. Her pupil ID number was 131.


  • Miss S. E. Parker and Miss L.J. Cooper came to help teachers in Wanglang School. Miss Cooper went to open a school in Nakorn Chaisri.


  • Prince Damrong, the Minister of Education sent Edwin McFarland, Phra Artvidhyakom’s elder brother, to study about USA’s education system.


  • King Chulalongkorn made a trip to Europe. He appointed Queen Saovabha-pongsri as the Regent. Women were roused by this event a great deal. Girl schools were opened around Bangkok. Wanglang was teachers training ground for both private and almost all newly opened public schools. So, a person graduated from Wanglang was appointed as school principal immediately. Rajini and Wanglang Schools cooperated to provide teachers for girl schools around the country.


  • Miss Edna Bruner, an expert in art, came to join Wanglang School for two years. Later, she married Dr. L.C. Bulkley and moved to Trang Province.


  • Miss Tard, Miss Linchee She, Miss Tongsuk and Miss Chaem passed the boys’ examination.


  • Miss Magaret C. McCord came to join Wanglang.


  • Miss Aroon, the daughter of Mr. Tiensang Prateepasen (later known as Khunying Aroon Medhadhibadi) went for a further education in kindergarten teaching, according to Froebel Theory, at Normal Training College of Connecticut. Three years later, she came back to start kindergarten teaching in Wanglang School. So, Wanglang was the first school that provided kindergarten education. Khunying Aroon was the first lady to teach kindergarten in Thailand.


  • Miss Bertha Blount joined Wanglang School. At that time, King Chulalongkorn had abolished all kind of gambling. There was one large casino nearby that villagers used as pig sty. Miss Cole rented the place, cleaned it and used it as school as well as a place where villagers could obtain free medicine. Moreover, “Utissathan” was also a kitchen where Miss McCord used to cook for pupils and Wanglang society.
  • 1910 – 1925 The reign of King Rama VI


  • There was a royal wedding ceremony between King Rama VI and Princess Varnvimol, the daughter of Prince Naradhip, who was Wanglang School alumnus (pupil ID 435). She influenced Thai ladies to wear skirt and had long hair up-done.


  • Miss Elsie Bates helped teaching at Wanglang School. At this stage, the school was famous and self-contained. There was an expansion of school rooms, dormitory, refectory, reinforce the pier and acquired land toward the back. Siamese civil servants and citizen helped to donate.


  • Miss McCord began to use electric oven to bake bread.


  • Film producer, Richard Burton Holmes Traveloques, use Wanglang School as his location.


  • Miss Alice J. Ellinwood was the person who reviewed lecture preparation that teachers planned to teach the day after, so as to make sure of the highest standard for the school.


  • Bangkok was flooded. Miss Cole baked rice cracker and donated to people who were affected.


  • World War I broke out. Siam entered the war. Wanglang School opened a “Red Cross Tea Room” to solicit donation and sent relief money to the French Red Cross Society.


  • This year, Miss Cole bought a new 25 rai (40,000 sq.m.) plot of land, on the bank of Saen Saeb Canal. The land was divided to fruit orchard, flower and plant garden and building site. The building site had to be elevated for 4 feet as a precaution against flood. Friends sent a lot of plants. There were 900 coconut saplings, 100 mangoes, 50 mahoganies and more than 100 bananas. Then there were lime, pomelo, rose-apple and others. A doctor gave 5 quinine trees. Unfortunately, the manager did not know about trees thoroughly. Some disappeared.


  • Alumni and well-wishers donated as much as 75,000 baht to build school building.


  • The school increased Mathayom 7 class. Pupils graduated from this class received School’s Diploma. At that time, girl school according to the government’s curriculum only finished at Mathayom 6. Girls who passed Mathayom 6 were considered having completed secondary school for girls; whereas, boys had to complete Mathayom 8. But Wanglang school thought that knowledge obtained in Mathayom 6 was not enough. So, higher grade was added to the school’s curriculum.


  • There was a ceremony to lay the corner stone of new school building on the 27th of September. The building was designed from Manila. Mr. C.A. Steele supervised the construction project.


  • Construction of Wattana Wittaya Academy dormitory was finished. Construction cost was donated by churches in the USA.


  • Queen Sawang Wattana donated 1,000 baht to Wattana Wittaya Academy.


  • Queen Sawabha Pongsri donated 1,600 baht to Wanglang School and later donated another 2,000 baht.


  • Wanglang School moved from the old place to Bangkapi and changed the name to Wattana Wittaya Academy.


  • In May, the fifth church at Wattana held the first service in the school’s auditorium. The church’s first pastor was Reverend Kimheng Mangkornpan.


  • In April, Miss Edna Sarah Cole retired and returned to the USA.


  • Miss Bertha Blount was appointed a Principal of Wattana Wittaya Academy.


  • Miss Bertha Blount resigned to marry Phra Artvidhyakom.
  • 1925– 1934 The reign of King Prajadhipok


  • Miss Alice J. Ellinwood was appointed Wattana’s Principal. During her term of service, Wattana Wittaya Academy began to close on Thursday and Sunday afternoon.


  • The school extended another grade, to teach Mathayom 8. Pupils graduated this grade received School’s Diploma.


  • Mrs. Artvidhyakom or Mrs. Bertha Blount McFarland, was the President of Women’s Society in Bangkok.


  • There was a celebration marking a hundred years of Protestant in Thailand at Saranrom Palace under Royal Patronage of H.M. the King.


  • Wattana Wittaya Academy was the first girl school to enroll in final secondary school examination for boys. 12 out of 13 pupils passed the examination.


  • 28 January, there was an opening ceremony for the original Nielson Hays Memorial Building, which had been built by donation from Dr. Thomas Hays’ inheritance.
  • 1934 – 1946 The reign of King Anandamahidol


  • There was an establishment of Church of Christ in Thailand and Church of Christ in Thailand Foundation. Mrs. Artvidhyakom or Mrs. Bertha Blount McFarland was the first Secretary.


  • In October, Miss Ellinwood was ill from bowel disease and had to urgently return to USA. Miss Faye Kilpatrik became the Principal.


  • The Second World War broke out. On 10th December, Japanese officers came to inform that every one moved out. There were 26 pupils left in school then. Miss Kilpatrik, the then Principal appointed Miss Ayada Kirinkul as the Director and Miss Prapit Kuvanond as Headmistress and Manager. The Japanese Army used the school’s premise as hospital.


  • On the 21st December, Luang Samrej Varnakij – the then Head of Private School Section led the school group to stay at Panutat Girl School, around Burapapirom Palace.


  • In February, with the assistance of M.L. Pin Malakul, Wattana Wittaya Academy was allowed to use Yuk Min Kong Suay School’s premise to operate as boarding school.


  • The 14th July was Marshall P. Pibulsongkram’s birthday. He donated 10,000 baht to Wattana Wittaya Academy to refurbish the place as a boarding school. That year there were 17 graduates, including Miss Ratchaneebul Pibulsongkram the Marshall’s daughter.


  • 1st April, Wattana Wittaya Academy was accredited with educational standard.


  • On the 7th December Church of Christ in Thailand sent a telegramme, asking for a return of missionary.


  • In February, the missionary returned to Thailand. Reverend Puang Arkkapin was elected President of Church of Christ in Thailand. Having surveyed damage occurred during the war, the Mission refused to accept war damage compensation.


  • In February, Paul Eakin E. C. Court arrived with 71 trunks of medicine. Nineteen cargo loads followed, total amount of US$250,000.00


  • In May, the School resumed operation on its premise.
  • 1947 Onward. The present reign.


  • Miss Prapit Kuvanondha’s term of office as school Manager ended. Miss Pinn Hitasakdi was appointed as the school Manager.


  • On the 16th August, there was a ceremony to dissolve Presbyterian Group in Thailand at Wattana Wittaya Academy’s Auditorium. The Presbyterian Group gave assets and staff to the Church of Christ in Thailand. The asset value given to the Church of Christ in Thailand was more than US$5,000 million.


  • Miss Ayada Kirinkul’s term of office as the school Principal ended. School Principal was the missionary’s position. So, Miss Ayada retired and Miss Prapit Kuvanondha was appointed as the Headmistress.


  • On the 30th January 1958, there was a ceremony to lay the corner stone of Wattana Church Building. The ceremony was performed by Dr. Horace Ryburn, Dr. Kenneth E. Wells – the then Chairman of School Board together with the Church Session. The School Board asked Dr. Amos Chang, the famous architect to design the church building. Dr.Taylor M. Potter, the then Chairman of the Session oversaw the construction until finished in August 1958. The church building and equipments cost 700,000 baht, were offered by many church members. Part of the contribution was the amount that Dr.Thomas Heyward Hays gave to the School. Mrs. McFarland donated an amount of money as a memorial to Phra Artvidhyakom. The money left from construction of school building and donations also contributed to the church construction. The offering ceremony was performed on the 21st November 1958. Mrs. Tard Prateepasen presided over the ceremony.


  • There was a construction of building for primary classes.


  • There was a construction of three-storied multi-purpose school building (Science building for secondary classes).


  • There was a construction of a three-storied building called ‘Satavassanusorn Building’, replacing the first dormitory building (Jubilee Building), since Jubilee Building was dilapidated.


  • Miss Wandee Kuntawongse was appointed as the school Headmistress.


  • Miss Prapit Kuvanondha retired. Miss Wandee Kuntawongse began to work in the Headmistress office. Miss Pinyo Na Nakorn was appointed as the School Manager.


  • The School was elected from Ministry of Education to be awarded royal prize for secondary level.


  • There was a construction of ‘Panyakarn Library Building’. Money used to build the Library was the only rent received from letting approximately 25 rai of land to International School. After that, the school had no longer received any rent.


  • Miss Pinyo Na Nakorn retired. Miss Wandee Kuntawongse was also appointed as the School Manager.


  • Mrs. Chantana Thuaksuban was appointed as Headmistress.


  • The School was elected from Ministry of Education to be awarded royal prize for secondary level for the second time.


  • Miss Wandee Kuntawongse retired. Miss Penpej Na Nakorn was appointed as School Manager.


  • There was a construction of building for primary classes (Ellinwood Building)


  • Miss Penpej Na Nakorn retired. Mrs. Chantana Thuaksuban was appointed as School Manager. Mrs. Sermsri Chaiyasate was appointed as Headmistress.


  • There was a construction of school refectory.


  • There was a construction of Wattana Sampan Gymnasium.


  • Mrs. Chantana Thuaksuban was appointed as the first School Director.


  • There was a construction of building for kindergarten level, the new Neilson Hayes Memorial Building.


  • Mrs. Chantana Thuaksuban retired. Mrs. Sermsri Chaiyasate was appointed as the School Director. Mrs. Punmaha Wuthiwaropas was appointed as the School Principal.


  • The School was awarded royal prize “Golden Ganesh” from HRH Princess Mahachakri Siridhorn for the best chorus. The event was organized by Music Society of Thailand.


  • There was a construction of dormitory (Prapit Kuvanondha Building).


  • There was a construction of school waitress dormitory.


  • On the 5th December 1998, Mrs. Sermsri Chaiyasate the School Director, Mrs. Punmaha Wuthiwaropas the Principal and a group of teachers in Wattana Wittaya Academy, total 15 people, were conferred royal decoration “Benjama Direkgunabhorn”.


  • The School was elected from Ministry of Education to be awarded royal prize for secondary level for the third time.

1999 – 2003

  • All three education levels of the School were accredited with standard of educational quality from The Office of Private Education Committee, Ministry of Education.


  • On the 5th December, a group of 27 teachers in Wattana Wittaya Academy was conferred royal decoration “Benjama Direkgunabhorn”.


  • On the 20th December, Mrs. Sermsri Chaiyasate the School Director, Mrs. Punmaha Wuthiwaropas the Principal were awarded with “Senior Teacher” honoured pins and certificates at Dusidalai Hall, Chitralada Palace.


  • On the 5th December, a group of 10 teachers in Wattana Wittaya Academy was conferred royal decoration “Benjama Direkgunabhorn”.


  • There was a construction of “130th year Building”.


  • The Russian Ministry of Education and Ministry of National Culture invited Wattana Chorus to participate in international chorus festival “Moscow Sound”, in Moscow, Russia, between 19th April and 3rd May 2004. Wattana Chorus won 4 prizes, i.e., First prize for cultural performance by singing “Lao Gratob Mai”, folk dance medley and “Sawadee”. First prize for general performance on compulsory song, “Sound the Trumpet” Performance on religious song or hymn. Certificate on the best performance from New Jerusalem Church.


  • A group of 10 teachers in Wattana Wittaya Academy was conferred royal decoration “Jatutatha Direkgunabhorn” and another 5 were conferred royal decoration “Benjama Direkgunabhorn”.


  • There was a construction of “Ayada Kirinkul Building”. The offering ceremony was performed on the 8th November.


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